Sunday, October 5, 2008

Texas District UPC Youth Division Annual Meeting at Go Away Farm

The Texas District Youth Division of the United Pentecostal Church met at Go Away Farm September 25-28 for the 2009 planning session and retreat. There was a lot of food, recreation and work. It was a nice blend of hard work and fellowship. Everyone really enjoy themselves. 

And then there were the home made chocolate and coconut cream pies that Diane Young made. They didn't last very long. 


Blogger Darren Gilbert said...

I loved my timeS there at Go Away Farm...I know this comment is a little on the late side, but I still wanted to leave one. The LAB
revolutionized my life and has helped me realize that I wasn't really a leader before I got there.(thought I was) Leaving from the weekend I received direction and help on how to become a sufficient leader. Don't know how or when I will get to return, but I am anticipating going back. Thanks for you incredible hospitality! Love you guys! Darren Gilbert

May 21, 2009 at 11:00 AM  

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