Saturday, March 14, 2009

The 1st "Introduction To Gardening" class at Go Away Farm

Mikki held her first "Introduction To Gardening" class today at Go Away Farm. Although it was overcast and raining most of the day and less than 50 degrees, the class got 16 x 28 feet of garden put in before they left. The day began with a two hour class in the dining room with Mikki covering the basics of gardening: choosing a location for your garden, what size is right for your family?, preparing the site, different methods for prepping and amending the soil, raised beds vs. conventional rows, feeding your plants the natural way, composting, watering options, beneficial insects, rotation of crops and hands-on planting. The class is taught from an all organic approach, as Mikki's gardens are all grown organically.

Back Row: Cary Castleberry, Diane Young, Mikki Walters, Tami Senchal, Candi Weekley, Molly Ensey, Gaillynn and Sean Williamson. Kids in the front: Macey McCracken, Trevan Williamson, Zach Castleberry, Taylor Williamson, and Alec Castleberry.

Taylor and Macey preparing to plant a tomato.

Cary and Sean after moving 9 yards of soil!

The class finishing the rows in the garden.

Mikki and Candi planting a bell pepper.

Mikki giving instruction.

The class transplanted a row of onions from the old garden to the new row in the foreground.

Everyone hard at work.

Adding compost to the garden.

9 yards of garden soil to be worked into rows.

Molly, Candi and Tami in the classroom.


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