Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hot, Parched.... It's time for Home Made Ice Cream and Peaches!

At Go Away Farm this weekend to pick peaches and do some minor maintenance work. The place is parched and dry. We need rain desperately bad. All of Central Texas is burning up, and the prevailing South wind gusting to 25 mph isn't aiding our dryness, however, without it right now it would be unbearable. Miserably hot this year. 

But...if it were cooler the peaches and home made vanilla ice cream just wouldn't be the same. So, there is a reason for all seasons... some are just more calorie laden than others. The tomatoes this year are wonderful as well. 

Ted Washington shot this wonderful shot of our entrance sign... say's it all:-) 

Caroline at 5 enjoying the front porch on a hot Saturday afternoon...

Peaches are ready! 

Here's 10 lbs of ripe, delectable peaches... Man, are they ever sweet! 

Place to eat the peaches...

Something to eat on the peaches... Home Made Vanilla! 

Almost as sweet as the Peaches... the Sweet 100's... Goodness! Makes me feel sorry for people who say they don't like tomatoes. They simply couldn't have tasted this basket of goodness.

Ted shot this at sundown... thought it was a special shot of the Guest Barn

Amazing... I shot this on my iPhone 4 using Panarama... It was at about 8:00 a.m. on Friday Saturday morning a few weeks back. Grass was some what green still.