Saturday, October 27, 2007

New Farm Hand Started to Work This Week!

Brody dreams of riding, driving, or just being around equipment of any sort. The guy is very mechanically attracted. Riding on the "tactor" (tractor) with "Sido" (Isidro) made his day! I'm sure he'll be wanting to drive it by himself before we're ready to let him. 

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Picture-Day For Our Belted Cross Mama Cow

This picture reminded me of picture-day in elementary school for some odd reason. I walked up to see if she'd stand still and let me photograph her, and she actually moved sideways to allow the shadow from her head to reflect on her back. It was like I said, "okay, now turn sideways". 
This is an unplanned cross between a  Banded Galloway bull and a Hereford/Longhorn mixed heifer. But she's made a good mama cow and has a calf annually. So far they have all three been solid colors with a small white splash on the face. 

It's Finally Cool here at Go Away

I went for a walk early this week when the nights started cooling off. The water temperature was obviously not dropping as fast as the night air, creating a fog on the water. It was a beautiful sight. Unfortunately, my little iPhone camera just couldn't capture the beauty my eyes saw, but at least you can get the idea from these images. I love the reflection of the big water oak in the bottom photo. The fire-pit is burning and the smell of oak smoke in the air is a reminder just how wonderful the Fall of the year really is. I think I'd wear the smoke odor as a cologne if I could get by with it. I love that smell!